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WWE Raw: The Old, the New and the Now from Monday Night’s Show

Posted by Elliott Binks On May - 6 - 2014

As a wise man once said, the times they are a-changing (And no, I’m not talking about Michael Cole at Extreme Rules.).

Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve seen the very best of the past, present and future in the WWE. Rob Van Dam, Wade Barrett and of course Evolution have each returned to the company recently, and Daniel Bryan has established himself as the top babyface of the modern era.

And with the likes of Cesaro, Bray Wyatt and The Shield continuing to go from strength to strength, the future looks equally as bright as the present.

This theme of the old, the new and the now was once again present at Extreme Rules, as I recently Bleacher Report - Pro Wrestling is the owner of this article.

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