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WWE Pod People: Elimination Chamber 2011 Results and Advice

Posted by Andrew Incarnadine On February - 22 - 2011

Imagine the most intimidating, stupendous, confounding, astounding steel structure you can. Now multiply that by 10, and you have the 2011 Elimination Chamber! Good Ol' J.R. nicknamed this "Satan's structure" for a reason, people. "Malignant, malicious and hellacious," cried Michael Cole.

Unfortunately, the English language does not contain words strong enough to adequately, accurately describe such an imposing structure. Therefore, the announcers must resort to such harsh edicts as "demonic" and "career-ending."

According to the most recent WWE measurements, the current Elimination Chamber weighs more than the entire locker room of wrestlers and arena of fans combine. It's 900 feet tall and 200 feet wide.

No one, and t...

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