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Worked Shoot By the TNA Viewing Audience?

Posted by Fourtuneth Wall On October - 20 - 2010

Hi everyone, this is The Fourtuneth Wall! First off, a bit about me: I would like to establish that I am certainly not a booker for a major Pro Wrestling organization (despite what the poor quality of my writing may suggest). In fact, "I" am a complete mystery -- and "I" will only reveal myself when I'm ready to take over all of (or perhaps the entire internet and/or world). In fact, "I" will waste a paragraph or so for the next 8 months building up to who "I" am, until a big reveal (insider slang for "let-down"), or until this idea is dropped.

Second, because my "ring name" is "The Fourtuneth Wall", I'll try to limit my articles...

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