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Top 10 Most Underrated Wrestlemania Matches

Posted by White Crane On March - 10 - 2010
Wrestlemania, the grandest stage of them all where superstar becomes legend and legend becomes immortal. Over the course of its existence in the last twenty five years, we have seen many memorable moments from Hogan slamming Andre, Shawn Michaels defeating Bret Hart in the first ever Iron Man match, Stone Cold fighting Bret Hart with an injured neck, Kane receiving three Tombstone Piledriver from The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan and The Rock having a stare down, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero celebrating their world titles, and the latest but definitely not the least. Shawn Michaels kicking out of Tombstone Piledriver. Among the course of its 25 displays, we've seen great matches, lanky matches, overrated matches, and underrated matches. I be...

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