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The Poison Spreads: How Bragging Rights Can Propel the Nexus

Posted by matthew offermann On October - 7 - 2010

As everyone knows, Bragging Rights features RAW versus Smackdown. I was thinking about how John Cena recently joined and how Tarver was said to be out of the group as Wade Barrett "was thinking about getting rid of him."

That leaves only Slater, Gabriel, Sheffield, and Otunga—pending what his role comes to be. If it is true and Tarver is out, that means two guys have left and only Cena has replaced them. Yes, I am aware Cena is the equivalent of both of these guys and it seems even, but if the Nexus really is to leave a mark they need more guys...especially on Smackdown.

I am really hoping that during the next PPV they have something that ...

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