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The Animal Unleashed on Orton: Does Randy Have Anything Left?

Posted by lee raydean On September - 15 - 2009

Raw was exceptionally good tonight.

Batista returned and everyone, including Orton, thought that he was going to say he was retiring. Orton made his appearance, but he looked lost, like he lost his best friend.

That's right he did, at Breaking Point against John Cena. That was one hell of a grueling match, very physical and emotionally draining. Even though Orton lost, he can and will have a rematch at Hell in a Cell.

At his match against Batista last night on Raw, Randy was not at all himself. Besides not having the title in his possession anymore, there was something missing, something not quite right.

The win for Batista was too easy. Of course when Randy just wanted to get the hell out of there and was try...

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