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John Cena And The Icons He Is Compared To

Posted by Jacob Waring On August - 29 - 2010

John Cena is loved by his fans to the point of total worship. He is also hated by many who would probably get an John Cena Voodoo doll to torture him.

Love him or hate him, everyone seems to compare Cena to a wrestling icon of the past.

I'll attempt to compare him to Stone Cold, The Rock, Hulk Hogan and Sting. Those four wrestling icons has similarities that make people say, "John Cena is like _____ because...."

I'll be taking a neutral perspective on the comparisons. In other words, I will not be bashing Cena like he's the incarnation of evil nor will I be worshiping him like he's one of the Greek Gods!

Sit back, relax and enjoy the compairisons!

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