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Is Hulk Hogan in TNA Wrestling for the Business or Himself?

Posted by Joe Burgett On December - 17 - 2009

Ever since I heard Hulk Hogan was going through a divorce, I knew he'd be coming out of the woodwork doing something in TV or in the wrestling ring to get some money. Of course he still had to pay for his son's screw-up as well.

For those that don't know, Nick Hogan had a car accident in which he pretty much walked away OK, but his passenger, and friend, didn't. He survived, but was in rough condition, and still is to this day.

Nick actually spent time in prison for the ordeal. Why is Hulk paying anything on it? The car happened to be under his name, so therefore he had to pay the family.

Of course, the divorce really took a lot out of him. And you can't blame a guy for doing what he has to do. However, you have to c...

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