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Does Everyone Get Screwed In Canada? Ask The Undertaker

Posted by lee raydean On September - 18 - 2009

It's Friday night and I am sitting here watching the opening of Smackdown. Teddy Long pulled up in a limo and looked mighty worried, scared if you will. He had many security guards around him.

I can't say that I blame him because at Breaking Point, he, C M Crooked Punk, and the ref had it preplanned to screw the Undertaker over. Why is there such a great conspiracy against the dead man?

Who ordered Teddy and Scott Armstrong to go along with this? It just goes to show all of us wrestling fans that Punk is afraid of the phenom. He didn't win that belt with pride. He wanted to gloat and rub it everyone's face.

It's not Teddy or Scott Armstrong's fault for what they were told to do. Neither of the two are happy about it....

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