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CM Punk, Ryback Mystery Shows off What WWE Does Best

Posted by Dustin Murrell On October - 9 - 2012

I'm the kind of person that hates spoilers. I do what I can to avoid them.

I didn't see The Sixth Sense until five years after it was released. During those five years, I managed to remain ignorant regarding the Shyamalan twist at the end. And that's one of the most well-known plot twists of all time.

I always enjoy the WWE product better when it keeps us guessing and pulls off big surprises. Vince McMahon and his team are some of the absolute best at this game.

Remember in the days of the Ministry of Darkness when the company kept us guessing as to who the Higher Power would be? Remember when Brock Lesnar made his unexpected return the day afte...

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