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2010 Survivor Series Picks: Will We See a Montreal-Screwjob Type Ending?

Posted by Jeff Awesome On November - 7 - 2010

At Survivor Series, we have seen so many memorable moments such as the introduction of the Undertaker in 1990 and The Rock winning his first WWE title in 1998. Of course, the Montreal Screw-job in 1997 was the most memorable moment, no description needed. In 2010, we are bound to see many more memories. 

This event will take place in Miami. There are countless questions that need to be answered at Survivor Series. Who's the Raw GM? Will the GM finally be revealed? What is the "bigger picture" Wade Barrett is referring to? Will Triple H return? How will the Cena-Orton-Barrett WWE Title angle play out? Will Edge take the World Heavyweight Championship away from Kane? And the greatest question of them all, will John Cena tur...

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