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WWE Youth Movement: 4 Reasons Tyson Kidd vs. Damien Sandow Would Be Great

Posted by Michael Broughton On June - 9 - 2012

On Friday Night, Damien Sandow seemed ready to do his usual segment. He would talk trash, beat the crap out of someone and walk away. While I'm a huge fan of his character, it's just about time for him to enter a real rivalry. We may have finally seen this on SmackDown!

After threatening to beat up the defenseless HornSwoggle, Tyson Kidd came out to make the rescue, pulling off a sweet springboard missile dropkick. However, when Tyson turned around to help out HornSwoggle, Sandow took advantage and attacked Kidd. While, WWE could pull off their usual stuff. and forget it ever happened, I would love to see tonight's actions ignite a rivalry between these two.

Both men are all-...

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