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What TNA Is Doing Right

Posted by Steven Ransiear On November - 20 - 2009

So often we like to bash TNA for not doing what we think they should do.

It's easy because we want them to succeed so badly, that when they make a poor decision, we slide right into jumping on them for it. 

When TNA started to become WWE-light, it was a horrible step down and left a bad taste in a lot of the fans' mouths. Cries of near-the-end WCW started lighting up message boards left and right.

Thankfully, over the past few months or so, it seems like the ship has righted itself. 

TNA's last PPV, Turning Point 2009, was one of the best I've seen them put on in quite some time. I'll be using that show as a reference throughout because it's a great example of so many of the great things TNA is doin...

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