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Mani’s 6 Degrees: Royal Rumble 2012 Preview

Posted by Rob Manisero On January - 28 - 2012

Welcome to Mani's 6 Degrees!

With the Royal Rumble coming up in less than 36 hours, this edition of my slideshow will focus on the first Pay-Per-View of the year.

Currently, there are only four matches on the card, but all have been built up well. The CM Punk/Dolph Ziggler/John Laurinaitis feud has gotten hot lately, and John Cena is having one of the more hilarious attempts at a "heel turn" in recent memory.

On top of those two, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, and Big Show will all be confined to a steel cage due to the variety of weird endings on SmackDown over the past few weeks.

At the end of it all is the Royal Rumble match. We have favorites in Bleacher Report - Pro Wrestling is the owner of this article.

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