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I've been sitting on this slideshow idea for a month now, wondering how I could possibly rate every WWE superstar without having someone come and kill me for their favorite being too low. This is based on a point system (and does not count 3/7 Raw.) Also because of lack of interest I will not be doing NXT, merely Raw and Smackdown.

The point system is as following:

  • 1 point for a loss on TV=
  • 1 point for a no contest=
  • 2 points for a win on TV=
  • 2 points for a loss on PPV=
  • 3 Points for a win on PPV=
  • 5 Points for Royal Rumble and Elmination Chamber=
  • 4 Points for major Championship wins or defenses.=
  • 2 points for minor, tag team and diva title wins or replacements...

    Get the full article at Bleacher Report - Pro Wrestling is the owner of this article.

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