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Squared Circle: Six Reasons Why Managers Need To Be Revived In WWE

Posted by Max Wake On September - 25 - 2010

Names such as Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Jimmy Hart and Captain Lou Albano are easily recognised within professional wrestling.

Some of us actually remember watching these men at ringside riling up the crowds while their man ran rampant in the ring.

Whilst they were never warriors of the squared circle and could never stand toe-to-toe with the likes of Hulk Hogan or The Undertaker, they were respected all the same.

It is something that has been missing, in large number, from wrestling shows over the past 10 to 15 years.

There are minor exceptions such as The Great Khali's translator Ranjin Singh or Ted DiBiase's valet Maryse but they lack a true managerial purpose.

Ironically in a company such as the WWE mana...

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