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The Elite: Best Wrestlers in WWE Today

Posted by Patrick J On September - 11 - 2010

Due to my mild success in previous slideshows. I've been devising my latest creation for the past three weeks.

The Best Wrestlers in WWE. While Chris Jericho calls him self "The Best in the World at what he does" he has some very stiff competition in his fellow WWE Superstars.

Readers this article is not based on Mic-skill. Solely on in-ring ability. So half of the WWE Roster just dropped off this list. Including Mr. Awesome himself, The Miz. 

All Genres Technical, Lucha, Submission, or just down right brawling are included.

These guys don't need a World Title, because their talent outweighs any World Title WWE can put on them.

Every WWE Superstar was given a fair chance to make this list...

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