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How Many Times Can You Bring ECW Back From the Dead?

Posted by Dave Walker On July - 23 - 2010

Before I even get to my thoughts on what TNA is doing with their whole watered-down ECW angle, I just want to say how much I enjoyed the old ECW.

They were truly a group that appealed to those who want to see sex, blood, and violence to the extreme and if it wasn't for them, the WWF would have never had an Attitude Era.

P.S. Damn Spike TV for screwing them on their TV deal.

But, back to the thought at hand, and that is TNA and its ECW angle.

Last night, I actually watched TNA for the first time since I don't know when, and I was more amused with my two wiener dogs dinosaur fighting than the action or story-lines. Then the final segment took the cake.

For those of you who didn't see, or were too intox...

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