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A Controversial Top 10: The 10 Most Debated Wrestling Figures

Posted by Evan Fein On May - 29 - 2010
Like many other writers on the Bleacher Report, my articles have generated a lot of controversy. No good article or top 10 list will satisfy everyone. They will all include questionable omissions. That gave me an idea. Which wrestlers or wrestling figures are synonymous with controversy? What names will generate a flame war at their mere mention? There are a lot, but I will try to narrow it down to the top 10. I have one specific criteria for this list: If I go on youtube or a professional wrestling forum, will bringing up the person bring arguments? Will it start a heated back and forth exchange? Will all the internet tough guys tell one another "screw ur mom!" I am not writing this list to start a flame war. I am writing it to open...

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