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Preface: That Stalin-esque Community Leader Jason Le Blanc demanded I do this as my homework. I really don't like that Le Blanc guy. Who does he think he is? Seriously, does it look like I want to open up my eyes and see information out there beyond the WWE and TNA. Grr, I really don't like that JLB guy.

When many Westerners think about Asian professional wrestlers they are probably envisioning someone the likes of Tajiri, Funaki, Taka Michinoku, and more presently, Yoshi Tatsu.

These men are all light on the feet, acrobatic, and possess a smaller frame. The fact is, though, not all Asian wrestlers appear this way.

Manabu Nakanishi is one of those individuals who do not fit your Tajiri and Funaki mold. Naka...

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